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We want to give a big THANK YOU to the hard-working committee that makes our Motorcycle Ride so successful.

Over $52,000 raised! We could not have done it without you!

Motorcycle Ride Check Presentation

We had a great time dressing up for Patrick’s annual Halloween Costume Party!

Halloween Costume Party

Our Swedish Chef took home first place for best costume! Thank you to Patrick and his team for all your hard work and dedication!

Halloween Costume Party Check Presentation

Upcoming Events

You can win FOUR tickets to the December 1st Boston Bruins game by entering our TeamWalk Power Play raffle!

Purchase now, the raffle will close tomorrow and the winner will be notified on November 15.

Power Play Raffle Flyer

Light the Night for TeamWalk!

We are excited to be working this year with LaBelle Winery in Derry to be part of their annual light display. Reserve a spot on Thursday, December 12 and TeamWalk will receive a portion of the sale.

Light the Night for TeamWalk Flyer

  Like our TeamWalk page for updates, photos, events, news, contests, and stories:  
Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk Page.

The Cancer Center at Lowell General Hospital
295 Varnum Avenue • Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 • 978-788-7170

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