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TeamWalk is around the corner...Have you registered yet? Register now and give a little bit to support cancer patients!

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We are very excited to announce that WCVB Channel 5's Chief Meteorologist, Cindy Fitzgibbon, and WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Morning Traffic Anchor, Lori Grande, will be joining us once again to host TeamWalk. We truly appreciate both of these busy media professionals taking the time out of their schedules to be with us each year. We hope you will be there too.

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Click to hear messages from Cindy and Lori.

In honor of our 25th anniversary, every $25.00 paid registrant is eligible for a T-shirt! 

Check out the other great incentives you can earn:

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Please remember you need to come into the Tsongas Center Lobby to pick up your incentives and turn in any donations that you have collected.


  Like our TeamWalk page for updates, photos, events, news, contests, and stories:  
Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk Page.

The Cancer Center at Lowell General Hospital
295 Varnum Avenue • Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 • 978-788-7170

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