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TeamWalk 5K CLUB

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"We think raising money is easy: it's fighting cancer that's hard. Join TeamWalk and make a difference in a patient's life!"
- Members of the TW$5K CLUB

Join now and help TeamWalk meet its goal for 2024!

We invite you to become a member of The TW5K CLUB by pledging to raise $5,000** in support of TeamWalk this year. By Joining the TeamWalk 5K CLUB you will make an immediate impact on the lives of cancer patients at Lowell General Hospital.  Your commitment will ensure that no cancer patient travels alone and that they receive the support they deserve while taking on the most difficult journey of their life. 


    TeamWalk 5K CLUB member benefits: 

  • Unique incentives that are exclusive to TeamWalk 5K Club members
  • Special invitations to social and educational events
  • Direct access to a member of the TeamWalk staff
  • Ability to sell tickets for your third- party fundraising events through the TeamWalk Website
  • Ability to advertise your special events on the TeamWalk Events Calendar
  • Ability to list your special events on the official TW Facebook page and in the monthly TeamTalk email blast

If you have any questions about the TeamWalk 5K CLUB, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Andrea Jackson: 978-788-7170 andrea.jackson@tuftsmedicine.org

** There is no obligation to reach the goal of $5,000. If goal is not met, your credit card will NOT be charged the difference.  However, if the $5,000 goal is not met you are disqualified from receiving special incentives designated for TW5K CLUB members.
