Carol's Crusaders

Our mother was recently diagnosed with a rare aggressive cancer of the saliva gland. After enduring a 9 hour surgery to remove the mass and lymph nodes they were unable to remove all of it. She will now be going through radiation and chemotherapy to hopefully kill the rest! She has a long road ahead and LGH has been helpful and supportive through this process. My family and I will be walking to help raise money for this organization that has been helping our mother. Please donate or join us on the walk! Thank you!

Each and every dollar raised stays within the communities that we serve, helping our friends, family members and co-corkers.
TeamWalk funds make a difference in the lives of today’s cancer patients by paying for medications, nutritional supplements, wigs and prostheses, support groups, skilled nursing visits, transportation, mini-grants, and supportive services to patients of all cancer types. Funds raised enable Lowell General Hospital to provide assistance, support, and services to help people feel better, build confidence and instill hope throughout their battle with cancer.

Inspire Hope, Ignite Courage, Join TeamWalk.

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