Ms.Choppa Music

Hey Yall, Its your girl Ms. Choppa!

First and foremeost, id like to start by saying thank you. if you've reached this far and are on this link, it is because you are proud supporter of Ms Choppa Music and you are IMMENSELY appreciated.

Through these trying times for myself and my loved ones. I have been at a “life battle”. Although my mental health is at the best it’s ever been, my physical health had been declining, terminally. About a year ago I found out I was sicc and thought I would kicc it off by sticcing to home remedies, God, and a holistic route all while keeping life moving right along. Fast forward, at the end of last year, it didn’t get any better and I was diagnosed with my illness being far too advanced right before Christmas. I started my year off with a stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma diagnosis which would sooner than later change a lot of things in my life. I kept this on the low and to myself because where we are from, competition and malice is applauded more than the good that comes out of our communities. I took a leap of faith and decided to walk with God and understand that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. A lot of y’all wondered why I wouldn’t participate in a lot of things when I said I couldn’t participate or even when I would mention I couldn’t be around people and the reason is because I decided to finally take treatment. Some of y’all have seen me around and have noticed the face masks, the weight change, the hair loss, and everything else that has came with my journey with cancer. I say all this to say that on May 19th, I’ll be walking with some of my closests and loved ones in the Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare for CancerCare. Y’all can feel free to reach out to join the $quad in walking, or just to support. Shout out to the Grace carriers and voices for helping me keep my spirit blessed and highly favored. At the moment we are looking for a few business friend sponsors but I am open to and receptive of all love, prayers, and support.

*Where Donations Go To*

Please keep in mind to those of you looking to support, that the TeamWalk for cancer care is on Sunday, May 19th, 2024 and registration is at 8 AM sharp. For 18+ it is $25.00 to walk you able to donate more. For 17 and under it is free of charge! Each and every last dollar raised stays within the communities that we serve, helping our friends, family members and co-workers. This enables Lowell General Hospital to provide assistance, support, and services to help people such as myself and many others feel better, build confidence and instill hope throughout our battle with cancer. #FuccCancer #mentalhealthawarenessmonth

#FuccCancer with Love,
Ms Choppa Music

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